Wednesday, May 30, 2007

There's really nothing to say...

Suz, I told you have nothing to say today nor have I had for the last month apparently. However, for posterity, I'll document the findings from my last 3 OB visits:

37 weeks: 2 cm and 60%
38 weeks: 3 cm and 70%
39 weeks: 4 cm and 80%

Induction scheduled for Friday 6/1 at 7:30 a.m. if Baby H doesn't show up before. Which I'm sure he won't. I think he is quite happy where he is.

Next week, I should have some adorable pictures to post and maybe even something to say. Maybe.


Jennifer said...

Just thinking about you. How is that Baby?

Anonymous said...

watching for some news...starting to worry. Is everything OK??